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Specialty of Endodontics

The general objective of the Specialty of Endodontics is to train highly qualified human resources in the professional practice of this dental area, socially committed to clinical care and the solution of oral health problems of pulp and periapical diseases; able to work in interdisciplinary teams and in academic networks in health at national and international levels, through a professional exercise with an ethical, reflective and humanistic sense.

In recent years, the field of endodontics has evolved along with advances in scientific technology, introducing improvements in the fields of dental materials, instruments, the use of new software and laser, among others, which have allowed the application of various technological and scientific advances that improve patient care and quality in the provision of the service without neglecting the clinical and ethical criteria and have also allowed incorporating a new philosophy of preventive dentistry that has become less and less invasive. The use of new techniques and materials used in the clinical field in endodontics requires that this dental specialty be related inter and transdisciplinary with other sciences, such as molecular biology, microbiology, immunology and genetics, among others.

The postgraduate program seeks to apply and innovate the clinical procedures to solve the problems of the oral cavity in our population, which demonstrate effectiveness, turning the University of Guadalajara into a practitioner of technology transfers and knowledge.