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Admission Profile

The requirements to be met by an applicant for admission to the Bachelor Degree of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics must be:

  1. Attitudes (behavior and disposition). Specific characteristics of personal development that each individual has apprehended and matured as a result of their experience of life should be: initiative, responsibility, self-learning, discipline, leadership, sociability, honesty, ethics, tenacity, dedication to service, affinity and interest in the phenomena biological, availability for work and field laboratory.
  2. Skills (skills and abilities). Natural disposition that the person owns or acquires are: to be able to take advantage of available resources; ability to manage, teamwork and critical analysis; capacity for synthesis and abstraction; mathematical logical thinking; proficiency in reading comprehension, in writing and composition, creativity; proficiency in oral and written communication.
  3. Academic background. The formal previous studies. To have completed high school.