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Link to the site de la Universidad de Guadalajara


General purpose:

To train professionals with an entrepreneurial, ethical, socially responsible, and innovative spirit to create, promote, manage and consolidate businesses that compete internationally, generating a positive impact on the socioeconomic and environmental environment in which it is developed.

Specific objectives:

a) To train professionals in International Businesses capable of communicating efficiently in international environments; that analyze and interpret the economic, political, social and environmental environment with competences to integrate different areas of knowledge in the generation of new companies as well as the development of sustainable businesses;

b) Develop professionals capable of effectively and efficiently applying theoretical and practical knowledge in the strengthening of organizations oriented to the production of goods and services; and

c) Consolidate the training of professionals with a focus on managers and entrepreneurs who have the skills to make the best decisions under risk and conditions of uncertainty in a competitive and global environment.