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Link to the site de la Universidad de Guadalajara

Mission - vision


We are an educational program that is part of the University Center of Los Altos, with a presence in the Alteña region. We train professionals in the economic field of the transformation of raw materials, generating learning environments, with repair, development and analytical capabilities that infer professional competences responding to the needs of society and the agroindustrial productive sector. We carry out and disseminate scientific, humanistic and technological research of recognized quality and regional, national and international relevance. We guide the work of academics, students and graduates with respect to the umana dignity, taking care of the environment and co-responsibility of citizens with their communities of life. We preserve and disseminate professional ethics the principles of social solidarity, sustaining the commitment to extend the benefits of knowledge to all members of society.


The educational program is distinguished by its level of regional and national scientific and technological production. It complies with quality standards and contributes to the solution of problems of the agro-industrial area and social development of the Los Altos de Jalisco region. It is an accredited educational program of the University Center of Los Altos and in constant evaluation process. He teaches in accordance with an innovative, flexible and multimodal teaching model, focused on the student. Take advantage of new information, communication and learning technologies. It develops curricula of national and international quality and promotes the mobility of its students and professors through exchanges. It incorporates students early on to tasks of analysis and solution of theoretical and practical problems. Our teachers have postgraduate studies, they are recognized professionals in their field of activity. Most of our graduates have certified their professional skills, maintain close links with us and are updated periodically. It is characterized by an equitable distribution of resources according to criteria of high performance and quality. It has an updated information system and an efficient administration. Structure your educational program and budget with reference to reliably evaluated results. It is characterized by having close links with the environment of the Altos de Jalisco region. It has coverage in its program of extension and dissemination of culture and sport.