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Centro Universitario de los Altos commited with the region and based on the 6th. clause from the Education Comission Ruling where is established that one of the main proposal of the University Reform is to have a great connection between the University and society, performed an educational necessity and work demand diagnosis in the area, finding that it is required to educate health care professionals. This region has an installed capacity of 74 first level health centers and 3 of second level 55% distributed in South Altos region and 45% in North Altos region. There a number of approximately 89 nursing technician working in the first region and 101 for the second one. In the city of Tepatitlán de Morelos there are 434 hospital beds which require one nurse per every four beds, it means that it would be a deficit of more than a hundred professionals in this area. Talking about history some theorics state the beginning of nursing started parallel to medical practice and as a response to one of the most important necessities of humanity: health. For this reason we remember to Florencia Nightingale (1820-1910) whose social function initiates in the XIX century where 3 social classes are presented: aristocracy, middle class or bourgeois     and low class or working; since then women from aristocratic class disapproved manual work. But she opposed to this conception and dedicated her life to attention and care of ill people. Florencia Nightingale, English society aristocrat, showed a great interest for politics and people. With a training acquired in Europe and who at the moment of finding precarious conditions to attend patients in hospitals decided to learn nursing by practicing and improving her knowledge with the labor of religious sisters, like the Charity to Saint Vincent of Paul in Alejandria, in Greece with American missionaries, missionaries of charity in Paris and others. She gave care to injured people in the Crimea war (1858-1856). She congregated nurses for that purpose. Likewise it is because of her we have the institution and creation of Nursing School, as well as the reform of this one in which the art of nursing was taught in the year of 1860. This way it can be established that “Modern nursing had been founded”. To get this, she had to fight constantly against doctors and leaders who afraid and jealous misunderstood her activity, considering her as a nuisance. Her labor gives her recognition as “mother of nursing”. We have to remember that this profession has fought for the recognition of women rights through history. However, we can affirm that nursing personnel are essential in health programs making, application, development, and evaluation. Therefore, Centro Universitario de los Altos mission is to form nursing professionals with a great sense of humanitarian responsibility, ethical behavior, personnel trained to be competitive and capable in work development either in public or private health institutions, as well as in companies, industries and educational institutions among others. For these reasons and with the aim that teachers and students know the main characteristics of this bachelor degree in Nursing, Centro Universitario de los Altos through the coordination of this major presents this document with the purpose to let you know de mission, objectives, graduate student profile and curricular map.